President Affirms Gay Marriage

10 May

President Obama- until yesterday- has been in favor of civil unions for homosexual couples, but has opposed gay marriage.  Yesterday during an interview he spoke about how his perspective has evolved and is now personally in favor of gay marriage.

The issue of legalizing gay marriage is still determined by each individual state –30 states have banned gay marriage- but as President of the United States it is quite possible that his personal views could influence others.

President Obama said that he spoke to friends and family, he thought about his daughters’ friends who are raised by same sex parents and also thought about the many conversations he had with his wife Michelle.
*Now I preface this comment with the following fact – President Obama considers himself to be a Christian – I was surprised that in his affirming of gay marriage and giving his reasons why he has not ‘flip flopped’, but rather had it ‘evolve’ he never once considered the Bible and Its stance on the sanctity of marriage.

The President also said that a change in perspective came about because same sex couples shouldn’t be treated ‘differently’.  What???
Different is defined as differing, not identical.
The truth is we are all different … and some more different than others.
We treat each individual we know differently.
There’s nothing wrong with ‘different’.
As a nation we have become so politically correct we have lost all ability to publically speak our point of view.

In no way shape or form should any human being be treated with contempt or hated, BUT marriage was ordained as a union between a man, a woman and God …period.

In 2011, President Obama said the following, ‘I’m a Christian.  I do believe that tradition and my religious beliefs say that marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman’.

I think that President Obama has appealed to some while alienating himself from many.
We will see what happens in November.

What do you think?


THE CORE: Ephesians 5:25 HUSBANDS love your WIVES